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Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Use Full Photo in Orkut rather than Cropping - "Use Original"

Well, Orkut has made a new update recently and has removed the Option of "Use Original" while Uploading a Display Picture in our Profile.Now there are only two Options namely Crop Photo & Cancel.So, While Cropping the Photo we wont be able to crop it fully , So it wont look good!Some days back, I saw a Javascript in OuG, Which allows us to use Orginal Picture!So. I am Sharing it here.Note: Use of Javascript & Stuffs are against Orkut TOS !Steps to Use:
Go to Edit Profile & Click Change Photo , then Upload your Image!
After Uploading , dont Click anything.
Use the Javascript below in the addressbar (Place where we type$ = (this.orkutFramewindow).document.forms)[$.length - 1])action = "/EditSummary.aspx?apw=9999&aph=9999&apdw=9999&apdh=9999&Action.cropProfilePhoto" ,submit();void(8)
After Pasting it , Click Enter.
Some Error like "Bad, bad user! No donut for you" will come..
Never Mind that.
Now Click your home page, the uploaded Picture will be fully Sized in your Orkut Account.Credits: Oug !


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