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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Poll Daddy Comes to Orkut - Create and Conduct Polls With Your Friends and Profile Visitors

One of the most popular poll site - Poll Daddy has launched it’s orkut application which is called the Poll Daddy Jr. You can use this application to create and conduct polls. Please note that this application has it’s own utility and should not be compared to polls in orkut communities because orkut communities only allow polls between community members but this application will allow you to invite selected profiles and friends to participate in your polls. Your profile visitors can even participate in your poll. So know the opinion of your friends on a specific topic - Was the Trust Vote Legitimate? Will India benefit from the Nuclear Deal? or anything you feel like discussing.

» Poll Daddy Jr - orkut Application

With your free account from PollDaddy you can now create polls for your Orkut profile. Create your polls using our custom templates or create your own. This Application will allow you to select and send that Poll to your Orkut Profile. Find out what your Orkut visitors are thinking today.

» Installing and Creating Polls - Poll Daddy on orkut

  • Login to poll daddy

  • Now Choose - Create a New Poll Option

  • Fill in the Question and options and choose your settings.
  • Once your poll is created, choose the looks.

  • Now on the next page, you will find an option to add poll to your orkut profile. Click on that option.

  • Once you see the confirmation message, check your profile.

  • You can also add the same poll to your website too.


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