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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am Unable to Perform Any Action on Orkut. What’s Wrong?

I have seen Orkut Help Group flooded with this issue where an orkut user complains that he is unable to perform any action on orkut. Though orkut help group provides them a standard reply but i feel the reply is usually unsatisfactory since it does not point out the exact threats that could have landed the orkut profile in this situation.

Let me clear this issue and cover various threats that can land your profile in a similar situation.

What’s Wrong?

Can’t say. I am unable to send scraps, post topics or do nothing with my orkut profile. Orkut says my profile cannot perform this action. I didn’t use any flooders nor mass add softwares. Am I Hacked? I have changed my account password but the problem still persists.

What Orkut Help Group Says

They provide you with a whole list of scenarios and as a remedy - beat the time is the answer. You can read their response here.

What I Have to Say

Orkut help group helps clearing your doubt but to some extent. They are not pressing on the actual threats which are resulting in such situations. Thus, you don’t know who exactly is responsible for this situation. Okay! Let’s clear that doubt.

What Known-to-You Operations Can Cause this Issue?

  • Scrap Flooding
  • Sending Mass Friend Requests
  • Using Scrap All Friends
  • Joining Too Many Communities

Well, if you tried any of the operations discussed above, you know the reason well.

What Unknown Operations can cause this Issue?

Ah! My favorite part. If you are a regular reader of Orkut Plus!, you may be well aware of these foxy and dangerous traps. Let us cover them one by one.

Rougue Orkut Scripts - Have you installed any of the rougue orkut theme? or Any script sent to you which claims to unlocked locked albums or locked scraps? Well, think hard. someone must have sent them to you via scraps. Or directed you to some communities where you must have found good looking orkut themes and gave it a try.

Well, if you are the one who fits best in the situation we discussed above, you just found the reason. We have covered this issue in detail here and how using rougue scripts are keeping your accounts at risk.

Orkut Worms - These are very similar in operation to the rogue scripts - have a embed scrap all which send scraps to your friends without your consent at the same time join multiple communities. For more details, kindly refer to this article.

Account Misuse - Account hijacking can be one of the issue which results in the above discussed scenario. Have you run any javascript forwarded to you by a friend? Have you used softwares from untrusted sources? Do you know what are cookie stealing scripts? Well, i am not fooling around. Even Orkut Moderators have fallen victim to cookie stealing scripts. Virus and Keyloggers in Orkut Scraps can add to your agony.

So. You now know what all can temporarily disable your orkut account from performing any actions. Make sure you read the linked articles to find precautions and remedies for the respective issue.


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