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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Orkut news In communities has been Removed!!

Well New Update In Orkut .That News In Communities has Been Removed !!

Dont know Why ! =P..It used To Be Good.. But Orkut Suxx na..thats Why It has Removed..=)

Image will be posted soon...

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How to Use Full Photo in Orkut rather than Cropping - "Use Original"

Well, Orkut has made a new update recently and has removed the Option of "Use Original" while Uploading a Display Picture in our Profile.Now there are only two Options namely Crop Photo & Cancel.So, While Cropping the Photo we wont be able to crop it fully , So it wont look good!Some days back, I saw a Javascript in OuG, Which allows us to use Orginal Picture!So. I am Sharing it here.Note: Use of Javascript & Stuffs are against Orkut TOS !Steps to Use:
Go to Edit Profile & Click Change Photo , then Upload your Image!
After Uploading , dont Click anything.
Use the Javascript below in the addressbar (Place where we type$ = (this.orkutFramewindow).document.forms)[$.length - 1])action = "/EditSummary.aspx?apw=9999&aph=9999&apdw=9999&apdh=9999&Action.cropProfilePhoto" ,submit();void(8)
After Pasting it , Click Enter.
Some Error like "Bad, bad user! No donut for you" will come..
Never Mind that.
Now Click your home page, the uploaded Picture will be fully Sized in your Orkut Account.Credits: Oug !

Now Face Captcha While Posting Links in About Me

Orkut has introduced a new restriction which now makes it mandatory to enter captcha word verification while posting links to our orkut profile in the about me section.
I am not sure if the ‘content suppressed‘ nag has been discontinued with this update but certainly one can see links on one’s profile which were previously changed to [content suppressed].
Some time back, orkut introduced its captcha nag when we added links in status updates.
I hate captcha and restrictions on orkut. Do you second my opinion?

Now Promote Your Favorite Orkut Community in a Single Click – New Feature

Not long back orkut rolled out an exciting feature called – ‘Orkut Promote‘ which is a viral advertising-cum-sharing platform for orkut users. Today, I noticed the integration of this Promote feature with my communities.
So, it pretty simple – You love a community? Love to share it with your friends? and even with their friends? and even with friends of your friend’s friends..? Then you just need to click on the all new ‘promote’ option just beside ‘unjoin’ community option and you will be taken to the promotion page where you can create and preview your promotion.
In case you are wondering how this ‘promote’ works, check out this post.

‘Friend Suggestions’ Feature Now Live in All Orkut Profil

Our regular readers must have read about this update long time back. For some strange reason, it took orkut over 8 months to roll out this update to all orkut profiles.
Better late than never – Orkut has now rolled out the ‘Friends Suggestions’ feature to compete with it’s rival Facebook. Orkut Friend suggest is similar to the Facebook Suggest feature which suggests friends whom you might know.
This is one of the best features of Facebook and it has been a long wait for Orkut user’s to have a feel of this feature in their profiles.


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